Waves: 4 - 6 Feet
Wind: Trades
Big waves and strong Trades!!
Plenty of wave energy with bombing sets outside, luckily there's a mellow inside section.
Anson's boss said 'Go catch a wave(or 2 or 3 or 4) before work'
Pauly racking up his 2 for 1 count
Glenn got the inside wired
Ron is ON like Popcorn!
Looking West to Old Man's
Big energy
Looking East to Siucides
Come on down tomorrow!
Oh wow! Sui's!! :)
Posted by: Jonny | 06/11/2024 at 06:34 PM
Oh boy Jonny, Sui's was your spot at one time.
Plenty action there!
Too much 'after surf action' at Daniel's house too. LOL
Posted by: Courtsdawnpatrol | 06/12/2024 at 10:37 AM