Waves: 1 - 3 Feet
Wind: Trades
Slight bump in the waves, conditions were good and the Aloha was strong!
These shirts from Las Vegas were perfect for this LV Aloha Friday!
Ron couldn't make it but attended via Zoom
Did I say the conditions were good?
Did I say the waves came up?
LV Aloha Paul
Advanced Aloha Hammah
Welcome home MD Aloha!
Rainbow Aloha Sara!
Seattle Aloha Jon got the focus!
Aloha Jimmy!
LV Aloha Chris - Happy Birthday!
LV Aloha Jay!
Always good to end the session with a double rainbow!!
After a few waves Jay wanted to walk the Kakaako Runway and model the LV wear!
Happy LV Aloha Friday!
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