Waves: 1 - 2 Feet
Wind: Trades
Light winds, fun waves and lots of Christmas spirit!
Christmas girls - Ladies first!
Christmas guys
What's that between Paul's legs? I recognize those toes anywhere!
Hey, where's Tony? pc: Glen H.
Come on Tony! Love that beard Brandon! pc: Glen H.
Santa Sonoe - Where's your hat?
Santa Bev and Santa Greg
Santas Eric and Claude - This wave went from wild to mild!
Santa Phil and Santa Syl paddling out
Today his name is Santa Claude not Santa Clause
He's bringing peace to the world!
Santa Randy and Santa Miles - Blue board ripping!
Santa Tone!
Santa Randy!
Santa Brandon - his beard stay on the back of his head!
Santa Will
Santa Anson - Shaka Kalikimaka!
Santa Dave
Elf V - GoPro ready!
Santa Jay - Winner of the Ugly Sweater contest!
Ho! Five minutes and braddah Wes is downwinding!
Wishing everyone a safe and very Merry Christmas!
Mahalo for bringing your spirit today!!!
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