Waves: 1+ Feet
Wind: Trades
Lightning: Cracking
Dan was so impressed with Hama, he wanted to tip his hat to him!
Hats off to both of them for paddling out!
Pics by Hama
Yesterday's lunch - Veggie Burger from Teddy's - Bugga is ono!
I've had it before but it was Dawn's first time trying it - she liked it!
Later today - John Wick 3
Dean and Dawn movie rating: 6 out of 10
It was good but I liked the first 2 movies better.
This week has been windy and tiny anyway. Take the time to recover, enjoy your movies, and you will be back in no time.
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we miss you in the line up. If you were a fly on the wall hearing your friends talk about you, you would get a big head. :) We'll all see you soon!
Posted by: Tod Marcus | 06/06/2019 at 10:01 AM