Wind: Light Trades
A mellow Sunday morning with small waves.
Flight boards in da house!
Eric looking good on his 9-1 Carbon Squash!
Jamy is loving her 9-0 Carbon pintail!
Wes is always full throttle on his Carbon Step-up!
Flight wave!
Kev got a good one!
Daryl, what's for breakfast?
Steve look over here!
Have a great Sunday!
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Sooo nice to see all the old time regulars having fun in glassy conditions. Miss it and watching all of you rip. Hope to join you soon when I get strong enough to get out of your way. LOL ALOHA
Posted by: Derrick | 06/07/2015 at 08:21 AM
Take care Derrick!
No worry we catching plenty for you! LOL!
Posted by: Courtsdawnpatrol | 06/09/2015 at 09:06 AM