The waves are so small, it's scary! Have a fun but safe Halloween!
I just have to ask everyone to please submit a prayer for surf like CT.
"My Surf Prayer Dear Surf God I pray for some waves so I can share it with my surf buddies, I have been good all year and hardly snaked, dropped in or cut off anyone this year and I didnt even swear at the other SUPr who dropped in on my and I had to run him off my wave, I forgave him for being a idiot. Can you please make the next south shore swell on a weekday since I wont be able to go on weekends, how about making it on a Monday since it is the least crowded and can you send me a email Alert to let me know which monday you chose so to make sure I dont do something stupid like go to the office early that day like I did yesterday or over sleep. Mahalo for listening to my prayer CT, FKA SUPrman, Jerk, A-Hole, WaveHog and a few other I wont mention Amen!"
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